After Wisdom Teeth Removal
Woodland Hills, CA

The third molars, commonly called the wisdom teeth, are the last of your adult teeth to erupt. They are also the most likely teeth to become impacted, causing significant pain and other issues. To restore your oral health, and your quality of life, Woodland Hills Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery can treat wisdom teeth by removing them. Wisdom teeth removal involves a surgical extraction, which is done under local anesthesia and sedation, or under general anesthesia. Once your procedure is over, we provide you with post-operative care instructions, and you can go home.


Following the removal of your wisdom teeth, some pain and swelling are to be expected. Most pain can be treated with over the counter pain relievers. However, if your pain is severe, we can provide a prescription for a stronger medication.

Swelling varies from patient to patient. During the first 24 hours following ice can be used to minimize the total amount you experience. Ice can also help to alleviate pain as well. Swelling typically peaks on the second day. Moist heat can be used to help bring down swelling, and also to help deal with any stiffness that you may experience at this time.


Following your procedure, you are provided with a set of post-operative care instructions. These instructions will help you to ensure a smooth recovery process. They provide information on restricting your activities, which will give your body time to heal. As you begin to feel better, you can slowly resume your normal activities. Most people begin to start feeling more normal within 3 to 5 days.

Your instructions will provide information on what to eat. A soft foods diet is recommended. You may even want to stick to liquids during the first 24 hours. Soft, easy to chew foods will help to avoid irritation. It will also be important that you continue to brush and floss your teeth, although you should avoid rinsing and spitting for the first 24 hours. You should take special care around the extraction sites.


While following your post-op instructions will help to minimize your complications, there is still a risk that an issue may occur. Issues that may occur following wisdom tooth removal include:

  • Damage to the sensory nerve. One major concern is damage to the nerve in the lower jaw that supplies feeling to your lip, chin, and tongue. A numb sensation after the local anesthetic is often temporary, but on rare occasions, it can be permanent.
  • Dry socket. Dry socket is one of the most common issues following the extraction of the wisdom teeth. This occurs when the clot in the surgical wound becomes dislodged, leaving the wound open to the air and bacteria. It can cause significant pain.
  • Infection. Infection occurs if bacteria enters the extraction sites. Should an infection occur, antibiotics are often used. Persistent infections will need further treatment.
  • Sinus communication. The upper wisdom teeth are near the maxillary sinus cavities. Removing them, particularly if you are older, can result in an opening between the mouth and the cavity.


If you experience any of the following, contact the office immediately.

  • Unbearable pain that cannot be alleviated, even with prescription medication.
  • Excessive swelling.
  • Uncontrollable bleeding.
  • You suspect an infection.

After the removal of your wisdom teeth, it is important to follow your post-operative care instructions. Doing so will help to decrease your risk of experiencing complications and help to ensure a smooth recovery process. If you have any questions or concerns, call Woodland Hills Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery today at (818) 999-0900.