
How to Manage an Impacted Canine

An impacted tooth is a tooth that is being prevented from coming through the gums. It can be due to genetics or caused by an orthodontic procedure. Sometimes impacted teeth show no noticeable symptoms and are only found during an x-ray. Other times impacted teeth may cause red or swollen gums, pain when chewing, swallowing,

Can Exercising Your Jaw Decrease Your TMD?

The temporomandibular joint connects the lower to the skull. If pain in the TMJ does not subside on its own, then there are jaw exercises that can bring relief from pain caused by temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The exercises may promote jaw healing and help control jaw clicking. Research suggests that jaw exercises are an efficacious

How Much Does Posture Affect Healing Following Oral Surgery?

If you have oral surgery and want to have an uneventful recovery period, you need to do several things. You need to follow a good diet and you need to find ways to manage the pain and swelling that accompany oral surgery. The good thing is there are many ways to accomplish this. One that

Is a Sports Mouth Guard a Good Idea for You?

If you are playing a contact sport, one of the pieces of equipment you use is a mouth guard. It makes sense when playing a contact sport to do this. The sports mouth guard can protect your teeth and gums when they are faced with some type of blunt force trauma. But athletes are not

How to Tell if You Broke Your Jaw in an Accident

People think it is easy to tell if they have broken a bone. They imagine their arm pointing in the wrong direction or being unable to walk because they broke their leg. There are many times when it is not always as obvious that you have broken a bone. If you are in an accident,

We Need to Know if You Regularly Wake Up to Jaw Pain

If you wake up every morning with jaw pain, you might accept it as something you have to deal with. You may try to think of what causes the pain, but you do not always go any further with it. Instead of living with the pain or discomfort, you may want to think about what

What Does Bruxism Do to Your Enamel?

Bruxism or teeth grinding is a problem that many people suffer from. The biggest issue with bruxism is that he people who suffer from it, don’t even know it happens. This is because it often occurs when a person sleeps. The only way a person finds out they have bruxism is because someone tells them

What Parts of Your Mouth Improve When You Get All-on-4 Implants?

When it comes to dental implants, there are some choices. Part of what you choose will depend on your needs from the implants. For some people, the best option is a newer type of implant known as the All-on-4 implants. These offer many benefits and can help improve different parts of your mouth and your